Educator. Author. Speaker. Professional Developer.
About Lorraine
Dr. Lorraine Radice leads her work in schools, classrooms, and speaking engagements with the guiding principles:
All students can learn and develop personal literacy identities that are authentic and purposeful.
Educators are incredibly important to students’ literacy development.
With a combination of positive school literacy culture and relevant, responsive curriculum and instruction, students thrive.
Lorraine is the author of the award-winning book Leading A Culture of Reading: How to Ignite & Sustain a Love of Literacy in Your School Community and is a contributing author to the research volume Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Intersecting New Needs and New Approaches. Her work has appeared in publications such as Literacy Today by International Literacy Association and Educational Leadership by ASCD. Lorraine has also written for ASCD Blog, Edutopia, NCTE Blog, and Solution Tree Blog.
Interested in having Lorraine speak at an event or work with your team?
Design Future-Ready Experiences in the English Classroom
Lorraine Radice’s new “how-to” workbook-style book provides a step-by-step process for English educators to design future-ready literacy experiences in secondary English classrooms. Grades 6–12 teachers will find practical steps and resources, including reflection questions and tools, to aid curriculum development and reflection. Prioritize engagement and relevance in curriculum and instruction using the tools in this book.